Monday, December 6, 2010

Everlasting Problem

I have to admit politics is not my forte nor is it something that sparks my interest, I really did not pay any attention to it.
That was until women began running for higher political roles. It was then that I learned their names & the issues they were fighting for.
Once the media got into it they completely changed the role & bigger picture of women in politics. They chose to write about style as opposed to real
problems the women were trying to address. It was then that I saw that the media is very powerful & influential! They were able to make a person seem bad just
for wearing something unfashionable. I don't think fashion should be an issue when dealing with politics. As long as the job is getting done or
at least being addressed should be all that matters. As a girl if I were to choose to pursue politics I would be worried about my appearance but, then again I think nowadays
anything a person does their appearance will be heavily looked upon. Appearance is very important now if it is not pleasing then it will be put on blast. I think people just need to be
very confident & never forget what their purpose is because it is very easy to quit! I commend the women who are in politics because they put themselves out there & make their voice be heard. They should be
the type of role models little girls look up to as opposed to the ones that are deemed to be famous for nothing!

The Music Industry is DIRTY!

As an artist myself, i have always enjoyed writing music and singing. Never did i think it would appear to be a hobby and actually end up doing it to pursue as a career. At 16 i started recording music trying to get people to listen, and see where it takes me. At the age of 18 i almost got a deal, but the people i was surrounded by were trying to change everything about me. Seems that they liked the way i sang, but wanted to change me as an artist. From the way i looked and from the music i was singing. They wanted me to sing songs i did not approve of. It felt like everyone was against me instead of helping me. Unfortunately, i did not pursue my career with the deal i was offered. Because i believe as an artist, i will not let anyone take my artistic ways and change me in any way.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hasta Lavista

Dear Readers,
I wanted to take a few minutes to tell you about how much I am going to miss blogging on a weekly basis about the way women are portrayed in the tabloids. This experience has definitely opened up my eyes and helped me to realize how cruel and inconsiderate the gossip sites really are, especially to women. It is never acceptable for people to be put women down and it's truly unfortunate that the celebrities endure so much of this horrible criticism. While one might argue that they do not pay attention to the offensive comments that are made about them because they are too busy spending their money like it is water, that is completely not the case! They are people too and definitely listen to the comments. In many cases when they see or hear the negative press they receive, it motivates them to be even harder on themselves in order to avoid being called fat, ugly without make-up, or un-skilled at posing because no one likes to be put down. Although I will no longer be blogging I will still keep on advocating for women and taking into consideration the way in which women are represented on websites like It can take a platform even as anonymous as a blog to enact change so I know that this blog has the potential the help create it!
With much gratitude and appreciation and until next time,

Thursday, December 2, 2010

We WIll Rock YOU?

I clearly remember seeing this video when it first aired a couple of years back. I was a young gay teen who was in LOVE with the three featured artists on this commercial so INSTANTLY I was drawn to it and loved every second of it. As a young teen who loved these pop stars, I immediately thought that this commercial was GENUIS in the sense that PEPSI gathered 3 of thee biggest stars in the industry, made an endorsement deal to sell a product. What smart people do PEPSI have on their team.

Now looking at it from a Media Literate point of view, I beg to differ. I still LOVE all three of these artists, and yes I will refer to them as artists, not CELEBRITIES, because I do appreciate them for their art and their work, but I must say that these three women were all used in backlash. These women take the roles of strong, independent gladiators preparing to go out and fight against one another. However, the outfits that they wear are ALL turned into sexy, almost lingerie looking Armour. Yes, they play the role as strong gladiators, yet they are still shifted to fit the stereotype that the media imposes on women. SEXY AND FUCKABLE. To be quite frank, the video only showcases the PEPSI bottles in only a couple of seconds, versus the vast amount of time that Beyonce, Pink and Britney Spears are shown. The question then becomes...WHAT ARE THESE ADVERTISERS REALLY TRYING TO SELL?