Thursday, November 4, 2010

What THING? Ohhh That Thing!

Hip-Hop seems to have taken a large fan base. People enjoy listening to it's unique lyrical, and very outspoken words. I remember listening to "The Fugees," I was in love with this song called "That Thing," because it explained how women and men interact, and what they both really want from each other, which is "sex." Most men and women nowadays will not deny that this plays a very big part in a relationship. This song explained to me on why we have certain criteria we look for with our partners. It Made me realized that i definitely need to think beyond it and really figure out what do men and women really look for and what their needs are from each other.

When you actually listen to this song, you will come to a realization that both men and women look for the same needs and wants this time around. As if time changed everything, and it made it seemed that it was convenient  for women to be promiscuous. The song spoke to me, because this time it wasn't just men doing it, women were after the same thing. This goes back to the Hip-Hop industry, and why women are treated the way they are, because they let them treat them the way they do. For the most part, some women let this happened to themselves because the society and the media shows that "this is the right thing to do," so why not do it. The only way to stop a certain situation such as the way women are treated in this industry, is if the people in it put a stop to it, and actually put an end to this cycle. This song was a great example of the reality behind the industry and behind all the nice clothes, nice cars, big mansions, and very sexy and good looking girls. There is more to it that the physical attraction. The song was self explanatory, It pointed out that "EVERYBODY" needs to be careful with the things they do with certain people, because girl or boy, anybody is capable of cheating, and lying, etc,. This song is a great explanation of trying to understand both men and women and their opinion of each other. That not only men are capable of cheating or wanting other girls while they already have one sitting at home. Women feel the same way, if a men can do it, i can do it better! As my teenager years has gone by, at some point in my life, I had felt the need of having all sorts of guys around because it felt good to be able to do what men usually do. It goes to show that your sexuality has nothing to do with your actions. Although some women still act the need of having many options of men around, they will still be called a "whore" or a "slut." When if a guy does it, his a "pimp" or a "player." Since when did one positive became someone else's negative? The media is unfair, and very manipulative. They try to show us that if we do one thing, at the moment it is okay to do it. And after everything is all said and done, were still the "whores" and the "sluts." That men are winners while women are the losers.


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