Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hairy Situation

So,this is the second posting of POP Culture POParazzi, obviously! I will be writing about the meaningless debacles concerning the style of women politicians,specifically Hillary Clinton. People have scrutinized Hillary about her hair length, saying that it is too long for someone her age! Exhibit A is shown to the left:
Her hair is clearly above her shoulders AND tousled back as well! I see no wrong in her hair length choice and its ridiculous that whats taken out of her speeches is how she wore her hair or how "long" she has grown it out. The focus of what she is trying to achieve is to better the United States NOT to make a fashion statement. Women are constantly being critiqued about their appearance! It's unfair because men are never critiqued about how long their hair is or anything about their appearance. Men have to cheat on their wives in order to be featured on covers of magazines and women sport a hair style that is too "long" and make headliners all over? The two are nowhere close to being equivalent! However, the media insists on picking apart politician and now Vice President, Hillary Clinton's hair choices. Exhibit B is shown below:
The New York Daily News and The Daily Mail had a field day with her choice of wearing a clip to the Global Initiative meeting, among other big names! It's sad that these people are not cutting the poor women any slack! I mean I know her job requires her to give speeches and whatnot but she wore a clip on her head not a cup! Even if she did choose to wear a cup on top of her head that should not matter or make her less attractive in any way! The woman is trying to solve the world's problems not win a beauty pageant! Her being criticized about her hair choices only proves that no matter who you are, if you are a women and do not satisfy or meet the standards of what the media considers "pretty" then it is you who are doing something wrong. Women get called "lazy" for not putting makeup on,but no one considers what that women has going on in her life. She could be a mom or a Vice President such as Hillary Clinton is but regardless she will still be critiqued! Totally unfair on so many levels!


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