Friday, October 29, 2010

Ready For My Close-Up

I’ve always derived pleasure from reading trashy magazines and online tabloids. Some of the reasons I enjoy reading such mindless “crap” is because I love examining the opulent and sometimes not so opulent outfits the celebrities wear, seeing how they are “just like us” and learning about where they enjoy dining and shopping. For many years as I continually read the articles and looked at the pictures, I never really paid much attention to the scrutiny the men and most importantly women dealt with.

When my group and I decided to start this blog, for the final project in our Women and Popular Culture Class, the topic we decided to discuss was the way women are portrayed in popular culture. Immediately I knew that I wanted to advocate for the way in which females are picked-apart by the clueless People, Us, and many other judgmental drama-hungry writers because I had an epiphany two years ago that it was no longer okay for me to support the negative way in which the ladies are torn apart each day. Every week prepare to get your dose of my opinions on certain articles written negatively about women. I will advocate on their behalf because in many situations they do not have the power to do so without causing more controversy or hiring a publicist to relay a statement to the media that will still be criticized. Get ready, because I, Andrea, am going to take a stand for my fellow women and make my voice heard.

For my first paparazzi critique, I am going to examine the way in which bashed the image they posted of the formal Bachelor finalist, Vienna Girardi. One of the techniques celebrity magazines use in order to exaggerate the truth is by featuring their most unattractive image of a celebrity. It doesn’t matter if he/she is sneezing, sitting down, or blinking, the tabloid writers will always be able to create a story about such awkward bodily functions. With that being said, the website posted of a shot of Vienna in which she was not making eye-contact with the camera because she was walking. X17 decided to blame Vienna for not being able to “pose properly for the paparazzi” when in reality it is extremely hard to walk, smile, and pose all at the same time and they are just trying to find fault with the fact that she decided not to look at their camera lens for that particular second. Not even Gisele Bundchen could do such a thing and she is a supermodel for crying out loud. Another jab that the writer made at Vienna was the fact that she went to an event at an LA nightclub, Kress. They demonstrated their passionate feelings about why she could possibly be there by asking “since when do people in Hollywood still go to the Kress?” In the background of the image the viewer can clearly tell that there is a step-and-repeat (a backdrop celebrities pose in front of when they go to certain events), which explains that she was there for an event and obviously people still go there for product launches, charity functions, etc. The last negative comment the writer made was about whether or not Vienna was “relevant anymore.” While her twenty minutes of fame on the Bachelor are up, she is still obviously relevant because she wouldn’t be invited to an event if she wasn’t. Secondly, if Vienna isn’t important nowadays, why is x17 bothering to take pictures of her?

It is pretty evident that the website was having a slow night and decided that they needed a little “fluff” because they clearly did not have enough “relevant” celebrity pictures to post. They are a complete contradiction purely because they spent time to write an article on her, when they stated earlier that they do not think that she is worth their time. While I might not be a huge Vienna fan, she definitely deserves to be defended for slack she took in the post. Instead of x17 worrying about the reason she was actually at the Kress (perhaps to lend a hand to an important cause), they decided to dismiss it because the venue is not exactly up to par according to their standards. Maybe next time they can post a picture of her when she is standing still and then they will able to see that she can actually pose. I’m glad Vienna didn’t even bother looking at their camera lens a few night because even they don’t deserve her time!


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