Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Women in the HIP-HOP Industry

The third post on our POP Culture POParazzi is about the hip-hop industry, and how they have been very provocative on how they see women and how they are proclaimed. It is clear to me that "Women" are these things to flaunt and they must be a certain way to pass that criteria, in order to attract a certain group of people. They wear almost nothing in every videos I have seen, they seduce men with their looks and how they are dressed. Seems that people are so used to seeing this kind of picture, that they do not acknowledge on the other side of the story. Women are being downgraded, unappreciated, and definitely not respected for who they are. I don't just blame the industry for it, because some women are letting themselves be in that position, where none of the "rappers" show any respect for them.

 For example this video right above, seems to be harmless but if you listen to the words, and watch what women are doing, you will understand exactly what the hip-hop industry is doing to us. On a regular daily basis, women would not be okay if their men was to say, "I wish I could F*** every girl in the world," what is a woman suppose to say to that? That definitely shows how disrespectful men in the industry could be. To say such thing and expect every girls to love that music and actually listen to it. I listen to all sorts of genre's, being that I am a singer and song writer myself, I have an understanding on how the industry works. Women always seem to have it harder, because you have to look a certain way, a smaller size, and dressed as sexy as possible. Do we want to be proclaimed in a way we shouldn't be? Of course not. Respect is not given , it is gain. If women do not start respecting themselves, then this situation will only get worst. It is time to put a stop to this, and show them "We are not toys that can be play with, We are women that needs to be respected and treated with care."


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